Minor planets-, Comets-, TNOs-, SDOs-, Centaurs-, Cubewanos, Kuiperoids, Icy Dwarfs-, Plutoids-3D-Orbit Viewer 1.2 by Robert von Heeren

Enhanced with new options and more accuracy (geocentric positions etc.) by Robert von Heeren in March 2003
Die view the orbit drawing tool you need to have a current version of Java installed on your system, because this site uses a Java applet.
Attention: modern browsers increased their restrictions regarding older java and flash plugins drastically.
In case your browsers prevents you from loading the 3D orbit applet go to system settings, open java module,
click on tab security and add the full URL of this page. Save and close it. Restart the browser and reload this page. It should be allowed then. The applet poses no security risk.

Search for a number,
name or designation

3D-orbit for minor planet 15789 1993 SC

Use the horizontal scrollbar to rotate, use the vertical scrollbar to flip the 3D-view.
Move the zoom-scrollbar to the right to increase the zoom into the inner solar system or to the left to decrease the zoom.
0° Aries or vernal equinox is where the red line points to, on default it points to the left side.
When you activate 'Zodiac Grid' you get the ecliptic plane divided into the twelve equal 30°-sections of the zodiac.

Zodiac color-code: red for fire-signs, green for Earth-signs, yellow for air-signs and blue for water-signs.
When you move the zoom-scrollbar to the left then you see the zodiac-abbrev.

Object Nodes: the intersection of the object's orbit plane with Earth's orbit plane is shown.
'South node' => object intersects fom south to north, 'North node' => object crosses Earth's plane from northern to southern latitude.

Object Apsides: the orbit points where the object's orbit has its farthest distance from the Sun (called Aphelion)
or nearest distance towards the Sun (called Perihelion) are shown.

Object's Apogee/Perigee: the orbit points where the object's orbit has its farthest distance from Earth (called Apogee)
or nearest distance towards Earth (called Perigee) are shown.

An underscore at the beginning of a provisional designation means that it has no MPC-catalog number yet.

Osculating elements from astorb-database for 15789 1993 SC


If your browser doesn't support JAVA-applet-technology, you can use the Orbit Sketch Tool by The Minor Planet Center instead!

On the MPC landing page click on the button »Interactive Orbit Sketch«

More information regarding 15789 1993 SC in English wikipedia (external link)
Number Name or designation Mean Anomaly M (degrees) Long. of Perihelion Argument w (degrees) Long. of Perihelion L (degrees) Long. of Ascending Node o (degrees) Inclination i (degrees)
15789 1993 SC 74.03488 319.39551 313.92541 354.52990 5.148282

Eccentricity e Semi major axis a (AU) Perihelion distance (AU) Aphelion distance (AU) Period (years) Epoch (date) observations (no) diameter (km)
0.1867870 39.8449572 32.40243 47.28747 251.5127 20230913 16 N.A.


Discovery data for 15789 1993 SC

Number Name Designation Type Discoverer(s) MPC-Source
15789 N.A. 1993 SC Plutino Williams/Fitzsimmons M.P.E.C. 1993-S10

Discovery-Position Date Time Observatory Obs.-Long. Obs.-Lat.
28?48' Fische/Pisces 17.09.1993 23h37m41s La Palma, Kanarische Inseln 17W52'52'' 28N45'36''

Source: Robert von Heeren, The Centaur Research Project & Minor Planet Center

This 3D-Orbit Viewer uses the ASTORB orbit elements database by David Bowell/Lowell University.
The elements are correct for the given epoch but not for years before or after that epoch.
The osculating elements for the currently 408 comets are by JPL Dastcom services
OrbitViewer-Applet courtesy from Osamu Ajiki/AstroArts Inc.
In case of minor planets you can search either by number or name/designation.
The query tries to find an exact match first,
if it fails it gives you the first object which contains your search phrase (except for numbers).
The search is case-insensitive.
In case you search for a comet then you can enter its full name like '1P/Halley' or just its number '1P/' but don't forget the slash.
Comets: Please enter a comet designation like e.g. '1P/Halley'. 'Halley' will find an asteroid not the comet.
If you want to find a new comet like for example C/NEAT (2002 V1) then please leave the brackets just enter: C/NEAT 2002 V1.
Note: To view and run this java-applet a java virtual machine must be enabled
and security zone should be set to middle or lower.

Please be patient and wait some time until the java archive is loaded.
If you get no applet your browser's java virtual machine may need an upgrade to the latest version.

You can download it at java.sun.com: .

When you click on the date-button, a small popup input box
appears in the upper left corner of your screen (sometimes barely visible)!

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