The Online Ephemeris for five special asteroids connected to Fukushima 1650-2050 by Robert von Heeren

Asteroids-Positions for Friday, 26.4.2024 at 17h39m (UT)
Julian Date: 2460427.2359, Delta-T: 88.18 seconds
28 GE 24' 5'' 11 SC 28' 2'' R14 LE 41' 58'' 29 GE 16' 24'' 10 SC 39' 54'' R
Bogensekunden sind gerundet/Arcseconds are rounded
A click onto the asteroid's name will open a new browser window (not a popup) showing its orbit.

Precise ephemeris computations using current version (registered) of Solex 11.0 by Aldo Vitagliano with the following settings:
Asteroid Library: astorb, Extra options: A=Default, B=Locked, C=On, D=On, E=Off, F=Default, G=High, H=Full, I=Off; Ecliptic=On; Delta-T=Auto, Adaptive Stepsize=On
More information regarding the Astorb-osculating elements database used for this ephemeris tool



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First asteroid1. PositionAngleReal AngleSecond asteroid2. Position
Fukushima28 GE 24' 5'' Conjunction0°52'19'' Tokio29 GE 16' 24''
Hiroshima11 SC 28' 2'' RConjunction0°48'8'' Hybris10 SC 39' 54'' R
Orbis is fixed at 2°
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