The Online Ephemeris for 19 named Centaurs, SDOs and TNOs by Robert von Heeren

Centaur-/SDO-/TNO-Positions for Saturday, 27.7.2024 at 07h09m (UT)
Julian Date: 2460518.7982, Delta-T: 88.56 seconds
2 CA 38' 45'' 15 CA 58' 52'' 16 AQ 1' 41'' R23 AR 32' 2'' 5 LE 35' 44''
1 SC 37' 30'' 26 CP 18' 37'' R19 PI 35' 52'' R15 AR 42' 51'' R2 GE 22' 13''
7 CP 57' 27'' R22 VI 29' 40'' 3 CA 1' 2'' 25 SC 41' 52'' R21 SG 8' 7'' R
4 CP 13' 2'' R8 CP 30' 33'' R5 SC 31' 19'' 8 LE 15' 58''
Bogensekunden sind gerundet/Arcseconds are rounded

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First object1st PositionAngleReal AngleSecond object2nd Position
Asbolus2 CA 38' 45'' Trine118°58'45'' Elatus1 SC 37' 30''
Asbolus2 CA 38' 45'' Conjunction0°22'16'' Chaos3 CA 1' 2''
Asbolus2 CA 38' 45'' Opposition178°25'42'' Ixion4 CP 13' 2'' R
Bienor15 CA 58' 52'' Square90°16'0'' Okyrhoe15 AR 42' 51'' R
Chariklo16 AQ 1' 41'' RSextile59°41'9'' Okyrhoe15 AR 42' 51'' R
Cyllarus5 LE 35' 44'' Square89°55'35'' Rhadamanthus5 SC 31' 19''
Elatus1 SC 37' 30'' Trine118°36'28'' Chaos3 CA 1' 2''
Hylonome26 CP 18' 37'' RSextile60°36'44'' Deucalion25 SC 41' 52'' R
Nessus19 PI 35' 52'' RSquare88°27'44'' Huya21 SG 8' 7'' R
Pholus7 CP 57' 27'' RConjunction0°33'5'' Quaoar8 CP 30' 33'' R
Thereus22 VI 29' 40'' Square88°38'27'' Huya21 SG 8' 7'' R
Chaos3 CA 1' 2'' Opposition178°47'59'' Ixion4 CP 13' 2'' R
Ixion4 CP 13' 2'' RSextile58°41'43'' Rhadamanthus5 SC 31' 19''
Orbis is fixed at 2°
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